The Cocalico School District purchases over 50% of all supplies and equipment needed to run the school through a RFP or a Bid process. When purchasing items that cost between $12,900.00 and $23,800.00, at least 3 quotes must be obtained. All purchases that cost $23,800.00 or more must be put out through the bid process.
Yearly bids that the District has each February to March are District Supplies, Janitorial Supplies and Equipment, and Technology Education Supplies.
The District also participates in the Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13 Collaborative Services. This is a joint effort of districts and the IU to purchase supplies at a bulk-reduced price. The Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13 facilitates bids for Catalog Discounts, Audio-Visual Multimedia, Cafeteria Paper & Small Wares, Custodial Supplies, Electricity, Fuel Oil/Motor Fuels, Instructional Art Supplies, Instructional Classroom/Office Supplies, Natural Gas, Technology Education Supplies and Athletic Supplies. Any vendors interested in IU 13 Collaborative Services bids can log onto the Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 website at
Current RFP and Bid Packages:
The following bid packages are due in the Business Office on their due date by the specified time. Sealed bids can be submitted to the below individual, unless otherwise specified in the bid documents:
Cocalico School District
Attn: Maika Lee
800 South Fourth Street
PO Box 800
Denver, PA 17517
Bids not containing a complete Non-Collusion Affidavit and a complete Proposal may be rejected by Cocalico School District. The Cocalico School Board reserves the right to waive any informality, reject any or all bids or the bid on any particular item. Any deviation from the listed instructions may result in the bid being rejected by the District.
All bid questions should be directed to Maika Lee at (717) 336-1406 or [email protected].