Medication Policies

General Medication Policy

It is the policy of the Cocalico School District to administer prescription medication during school hours, only when necessary. Whenever possible, medication should be given to students at home, before, or after school. The medication in its original container, labeled by the pharmacist or physician, must be accompanied by the completed medication administration permission form.

All medication for elementary students must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian. Students are not permitted to transport medication to school.

Secondary students may bring prescription medication to the health room prior to the start of the school day.
EXCEPTION: Any medication that is a controlled substance (such as Ritalin, Adderall, Vicodin) must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian.

Over the counter medication (OTC) will only be administered with physician prescription along with parent permission.

Asthma Inhaler Medication Policy

The district medication policy allows for students to carry and self-administer short acting rescue medication in the case of an acute asthma attack. In order for permission to be granted for this, the following conditions must be met on a yearly basis:
  • Written permission from a licensed practitioner including medication name, dosage information, and permission with disclaimer to carry and self-administer asthma inhaler. See the medication administration permission form.
  • Written permission from parent/guardian with disclaimer to carry and self-administer asthma inhaler medication. See the medication administration permission form.
  • Confirmation from the school nurse that the student fully understands the medication policy, conditions for usage, and method of administration.

If at any time a student violates a portion of the policy, their right to carry and self-administer an asthma medication may be revoked.


Across the country and in Pennsylvania, the rate of deadly heroin and prescription opioid overdoses is unprecedented. In light of this tragic fact, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 139 in 2014. This law permits school personnel to assist a person at risk of opioid overdose to obtain and administer Naloxone. In an effort to abide by this law and support our students, the Cocalico School District enacted School Board Policy 823. This policy enabled the training of our nursing and administrative staff and allowed for the district to obtain Naloxone to be utilized in the event of an overdose.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Cocalico School District's Naloxone policy, please contact Dr. Stephen Melnyk, Assistant to the Superintendent for Education Administration at (717) 336-1403.

For information on recognizing the signs of opioid overdose, please click here.

Food Allergy Management

Cocalico School District’s Board Policy 209.1 outlines our steps to ensure all students are in a safe and healthy environment while at school. This is especially true for those with severe or life-threatening food allergies.

Our approach for managing student food allergies is three-fold: (1) reduce and/or eliminate the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions; (2) ensure a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reaction; and (3) protect the rights of students by providing them, through necessary accommodations when required, the opportunity to participate fully in all school programs and activities, including classroom parties and field trips.

The focus of Cocalico’s food allergy management is on prevention, education, awareness, communication and emergency response. A complete set of a student’s current medical plans of care related to food allergies is maintained by the school nurse. Information on the different components of a student’s medical plans of care is provided to appropriate personnel who may be involved in implementation of the medical plans of care.

For questions regarding management of your child’s food allergies, please reach out to the nurse at your child’s school building.